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Cg Form 719b is an application for those who need to get licensed as an operator, officer, staff officer, or merchant mariner. Learn more by reading the most commonly asked questions below


Who Needs a Merchant Mariner Credential?

The paper issued by the United States Coast Guard is required for:

  1. any crew member of a U.S. ship with the GRT of more than 100;
  2. a vessel that needs to have a licensed Captain.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a Merchant Mariner Credential?

Note that the document, namely Cg Form 719b, is only an application for the MMC. It can be found on the Internet, filled out online, and downloaded. However, in order to receive the MMC, the applicant will have to make a number of payments for issuance, evaluation, and examination fees. The cost depends on whether it is an original document, renewal, modification, or promotion. The fees range from $45 (for issuance) to $140 (for examination).

Can a Merchant Mariner Credential Be Used as a Passport?

The short answer to this question is ‘No’. It is important to remember that it (which you can apply for with the help of Cg Form 719b) isn’t a passport. The document is issued by the government, but in case a holder decides to travel abroad, they have to possess a U.S. passport.